worker's compensationPlease use the form on the right or email [email protected] so we can determine how best to help you. In the meantime, check out our frequently asked questions below.
What is Worker's Compensation? Worker's Compensation is a specialized kind of Personal Injury case, where the injury occurs on the job, or in a way related to your employment. It is also referred to as Industrial Accident Law, even if the injury occurred in a non-industrial setting. Worker's Compensation has a very specialized set of laws, which can be difficult to understand without the help of an experienced Worker's Compensation attorney. Why Should I Talk to The Law Offices of Mark A. Homen? Our office has been handling Worker's Compensation cases for over thirty years. We are familiar with the reputation and abilities of doctors throughout the Bay Area, and will work to get you the best medical care and medical evaluations possible. We have seen the law in Worker's Compensation change dozens of times, and we make sure to keep everyone - the doctors, the other attorneys, the judges - aware of the laws that protect injured workers. We will give you a free initial consultation. And, most importantly, we do everything within our power to seek the maximum benefits for your injury, including temporary and permanent disability compensation and potentially lifetime medical care. What Do I Have to Pay? By law, all Worker's Compensation cases are handled on a contingency fee basis, which means that you don't have to pay any money to our office upfront for attorney fees or costs. The rate for our services is set by law and is paid by the insurance company at the conclusion of your case. There are no reductions in your ongoing payments for attorney's fees, and you pay nothing out of pocket. Other Practice Areas |